Tuesday, October 10, 2017


Oh geez, I mean I know it's been a while but when I saw my last post -yikes.

I won't do you the discourtesy of apologizing for the distance that has come between us, but I haven't forgotten you or this space. Like an overdue phone call that gets harder and harder to make so it is the same for me with writing in whatever realm of a public forum this one is.  Nor will I even claim that I'm back!  But I am still here.  I'm thinking a lot, reading some, being my best self occasionally and my worst self more than that. I had planned to check in with you all back in June for many reasons but I had no words to write.  And I still don't know what I want to say.

But as I hee and haw and cope and summon courage and strength and exhaustion the days never fail to pass. Some of them are magical and most of them are ordinary, a number of them I'd like to forget and there are more than a few that I would like to try to remember. Abel turned two in September. Verity turned five on Friday! And Naomi is patiently waiting for her day to turn seven in January. I have so much to be thankful for and complain about. Do you know when I'm trying to be funny yet?

I will tell you that the bakfeit is still seeing lots of action which brings me joy.  This summer we moved to what feels like the suburbs of Cambridge and so we take to the bike a bit more to get a few of our favorite places.  The home was advertised with a note that the kitchen is in need of updating. Correct. Which leads me to share my next update.  

My meal plan is currently in shambles.  This does not bring me joy.  Recently my meal planning role models were in town and I learned that theirs spans close to two years now.  She started plotting hers out with no grandiose vision over 30 years ago by going through her cookbooks and picking out the recipes she wanted to try.  Simple enough right?  If she can do two years then by golly I command myself to getting back to a week at the least.  And I am doing that barely but it's not very gratifying because the haphazard approach and execution...and the kitchen.

I'm also selling houses. Which I know I haven't mentioned on this space and is the real reason why I've been called away on leave from here. Just kidding. No, but it's true. I'm pounding the pavement out there in the real estate world and seeing success and lots and lots of learning moments. It's been a challenge to have a legitimate reason to look at my phone. But I do not need to be looking at my phone while a child gets off the bus, ahem, or while they practice violin or when I first wake up in the morning. Good grief.  Boundaries woman.  I've also established that I don't like the word boundaries. It has a negative connotation in my mind.  But I am getting better at taking care of myself as my thirties continue to blossom.  For one i just downloaded Headspace.  Like literally just before sitting down here. And I'm buying another jogging stroller after giving my last one away because endorphins are mandatory these days, so says my PCP. I completely agree.  xo


And meet Henry George, the latest addition to the cousin army! Courtesy of little brother and superwoman Courtney. :)

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