Shockingly, I was able to uncover my scant Easter decoration(s) before the actual holiday! And, with family coming to visit this weekend we have a reasonably clean house, a few choice items dusted and a spring moment on our bookshelf. When I worked at Anthropologie we would set up these painstakingly perfect "moments" as they were called in front of, and behind their backs with an eye roll. (Stay positive!)
So, why am I showing you a picture of a half-decorated mantel? Because isn't this bunny lady awesome? If you aren't initially enamored, don't worry. It took seven years for her to grow on me. But now I can see her charm. In the box she has a little pink egg which makes a perfect clink clink when shaken (by a 2yr old). I'm sure it will be lost before long, but it is being enjoyed in the meantime.
I hope you guys have a great weekend. Sincerely. I'll be making Barefoot Contessa's raspberry crumble bars this afternoon and I hope that will be it. What are in-laws for if not to take you out to eat? :)
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